蔬菜包装厂家   欢迎进入山东国泰民沣包装科技有限公司网站,专注纸托盘,瓦楞纸箱,蔬菜包装,重型纸箱包装制作厂家,实惠!


来源:https://www.gtmfpack.com 发布时间:2021-01-06

一般的塑料托盘的成分都有三 元乙丙橡胶、天然橡胶、等材料,这样可以帮助塑料托盘的老化变得更慢,然后材料的属性页是防腐蚀,防潮,防发霉等好处。辅助的开发与配方都是根据市场上不 同的需求来进行分析的,更可以耐高温,抗氧化,不容易变形的材料的。所以现在还非常多的塑料托盘公司也开始不断的创新自己的产品来增加销售量。
General plastic pallet ingredients are EPDM, natural rubber, and other materials, which can help the aging of plastic pallet become slower, and then the material property page is anti-corrosion, moisture-proof, anti mildew and other benefits. The auxiliary development and formula are analyzed according to the different needs of the market, and can be used for materials with high temperature resistance, oxidation resistance and not easy to deform. So now there are still a lot of plastic pallet companies have begun to constantly innovate their products to increase sales.
近年来,随 着国内环境保护呼声越来越高,再加上欧、美、日等和地区对进口产品木质包装(包括木制托盘)近乎苛刻的检验检疫要求,塑料托盘生产厂家在很大程度上越来越限制木托盘的 使用。而塑料托盘以其耐磨、耐腐蚀、重量轻、可完全回收等优良特性,发展前景越发看好,甚被业内誉为优良的托盘品种。塑料托盘出口打包运输在物流 中起到了关键的作用。托盘作为一个小的货物载体,通过货物整体码放、打包、转运、再到集装箱装箱,形成一个大的载体,方便了间的物流。
In recent years, with the increasing voice of domestic environmental protection, coupled with European, American, Japanese and other countries and regions on imported products of wood packaging (including wooden pallet) nearly stringent inspection and quarantine requirements, plastic pallet manufacturers to a large extent more and more restrict the use of wooden pallet. The plastic pallet with its wear resistance, corrosion resistance, light weight, can be fully recycled and other excellent characteristics, the development prospect is more and more optimistic, and even known as the excellent pallet varieties in the industry. Plastic pallet export packaging transportation plays a key role in international logistics. As a small carrier of goods, pallets form a large carrier by stacking, packing, transshipment, and then packing in containers, which facilitates international logistics.
货物从仓库到配 送再到出口运输。中间省去了大量的人力、物力、财力,为塑料周转箱厂家节省了大量的资金。降低了塑料周转箱厂家对外贸易的成本,增加了塑料周转箱厂家对外 贸易的竞争力,提高了市场的竞争优势。目前,国内塑料托盘厂家生产的塑料托盘结构基本都是可以实现叉车四向进叉。这样的结构可以实现无论叉车从哪个方 向都可以挑起托盘做周转,使用更加灵活、周转更加方便。田字结构的托盘在出口中,还可以实现高位集装箱码垛使用。增加了集装箱的空间利用率,降低了运输成 本。不过,现在托盘行业还存在着一定的问题,我们要从一些方面进行改进,让托盘更好地为物流行业服务。
Goods are transported from warehouse to distribution and then to export. A lot of manpower, material and financial resources are saved in the middle, which saves a lot of money for plastic turnover box manufacturers. It reduces the cost of foreign trade of plastic turnover box manufacturers, increases the competitiveness of foreign trade of plastic turnover box manufacturers, and improves the competitive advantage in the international market. At present, domestic plastic pallet manufacturers produce plastic pallet structure is basically able to achieve four-way forklift into the fork. This structure can realize that no matter which direction the forklift truck is from, it can lift the pallet for turnover, which makes the use more flexible and turnover more convenient. The pallet with field structure can also realize the use of high-level container stacking in the export. The space utilization rate of container is increased and the transportation cost is reduced. However, there are still some problems in the pallet industry, we need to improve from some aspects, so that the pallet can better serve the logistics industry.
First of all, because the use of plastic pallets is relatively backward, it can not fully play out the great advantages of pallets.
Secondly, the turnover mode of pallet is not very good, which is restricted to a certain extent, and the cost is relatively high in the circulation process. Many plastic turnover box manufacturers are in the plastic turnover box manufacturers internal turnover tray, so also after a lot of manual handling, its work efficiency is very low, it can not be like the hoist that only needs a small amount of manpower to complete a lot of work.
Moreover, the specifications of pallets in China are confusing, and it is difficult to meet the international specifications. In order to use international means of transport, some manufacturers of plastic turnover boxes order a large number of non-conforming pallets from the pallet industry, which virtually increases the cost and reduces the competitiveness.
The main application scope of flat plastic pallet is plastic pallet manufacturer
主要应用领域是食品医药行业用,一般饮料和口服液之类的产品重量会重一些,其他也放不了那么重的。随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,人们对食品 及医药行业的卫生要求越来越高,也为了食品和医药的,大部分厂家选择使用塑料材质的平板托盘,
The main application field is for food and medicine industry. Generally, products such as drinks and oral liquids are heavier than others. With the development of economy and the improvement of living standards, people have higher and higher health requirements for the food and medicine industry. For the safety of food and medicine, most manufacturers choose to use flat pallets made of plastic materials,
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