蔬菜包装厂家   欢迎进入山东国泰民沣包装科技有限公司网站,专注纸托盘,瓦楞纸箱,蔬菜包装,重型纸箱包装制作厂家,实惠!


来源:https://www.gtmfpack.com 发布时间:2020-04-13

  1. 使用叉车等辅助工具时,注意上下找平,防止不均匀或部分装载;
  1. When using forklift and other auxiliary tools, pay attention to leveling up and down to prevent uneven or partial loading;
  2. 本公司所有产品均经过防水处理,但并不意味着可以长时间浸泡在水中;
  2. All products of the company are waterproof, but it does not mean that they can be immersed in water for a long time;
  3. Only the packaged and formed goods are allowed to be transferred on the paper tray, so as to avoid the goods on the tray are scattered or the pallet is deformed and damaged due to the excessive local force;
  4. 纸盘底部与面板粘接在一起,避免局部受力;
  4. The bottom of the paper tray is bonded with the panel to avoid local stress;
  5. 包装时,必须注意托盘上物品的底面面积应与托盘的表面积一致,以避免托盘因受力不均、局部受力不均或偏移而损坏或塌陷;
  5. When packaging, it must be noted that the bottom area of the items on the tray should be the same as the surface area of the tray, so as to avoid damage or collapse of the tray due to uneven stress, local uneven stress or center of gravity deviation;
  The above is the relevant content introduced by the paper tray manufacturer. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.gtmfpack.com

